[Kroupware] Understanding QIM's su to root

Morten Christensen mckalender at tiscali.dk
Wed Aug 6 02:51:48 CEST 2003

I try to install kolab though my skills is far below the 
system-administrators in your target-group.

In part 6 of the QIM the steps are:
1. cd /kolab/RPM/SCR/PACKAGE
2. rpm -bb PACKAGE.spec
3. su #
4. /kolab/bin/rpm -Uhv /kolab/RPM/PKG/PACKAGE-nnn-nnn.ix86-linux-2.4-kol.rpm

When I follow the QIM, step 1 and 2 of the first PACKAGE are done as 
user kolab from part 5.
Do you expect me to change back to user kolab before step 1 every time I 
start on a new PACKAGE and run "rpm -bb" as user kolab ?

Morten Christensen

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