
Joshua Schmidlkofer menion at asylumwear.com
Thu Apr 17 11:38:30 CEST 2003

On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 08:29, Bill wrote:
> I believe I read in the docs somewhere that the kolab packages were
> installed in their own environment, does this mean that the packages
> should be installed without any conflicts if the packages already exist
> on the system?
> I ask because the second install I did which was somewhat successful,
> was done on a box that already has an imapd installation.  When I tried
> to stop kolab it stopped both imap servers.  
> Should this have happened?  
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  If you follow the basic bootstrap setup and the QIM you should have a
/kolab, and it should have it's own RPM.  Once you get to that stage,
you need to set your path to look in /kolab first:

i.e. PATH=/kolab/sbin:/kolab/bin:$PATH

then when you run rpm, you run the OpenPKG rpm.  Also, you can use
'which rpm' to tell you where the rpm command your using is located.  

After a regular login:

[jms at shorewall jms]$ echo $PATH
[jms at shorewall jms]$ which rpm

Then I source the kolab bashrc
[jms at shorewall jms]$ . /kolab/.bashrc
jms at shorewall$ echo $PATH
jms at shorewall$ which rpm

Notice the PATH changes that came from /kolab/.bashrc.  Anyway, if you
use the kolab RPM, you will not get the collisions on installation.   

However, it is not User Mode Linux.  You still have kolab processes
running in your process space, using your IP address, using your system
resources.  By default kolab is greedy and bind to * addresses.  If you
already have an imapd process running, bound to *, you will have
problems.  You must shut everything else down first.  Http, Imapd, Ldap,

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