[Kroupware] Kolab RFC (IMAP Groupware Folders)

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Thu Apr 10 16:18:11 CEST 2003

On Thursday 10 April 2003 14:10, Stephan Buys wrote:
> It is with joy that I now release the first public draft of the
> Kolab RFC to the community. Please give it a read and help
> out if you can.


It should be "[iCalendar] (RFC 2445)". This is not vCalendar.

There is nothing as "[vToDo]". Todos are a subset of iCalendar. RFC 2446 is 
the iTIP spec.


This is an iCalendar message. There is nothing called "vCAL".

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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