[Kroupware] Fwd: about the QIM

JES kroupware@mail.kde.org
Tue Apr 1 23:48:28 CEST 2003

Dear kroupware people,
Some feedback would be nice ...
(I sent this mail because you ask for feedback in the QIM)


=2D---------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: about the QIM
Date: Wednesday 19 March 2003 06:18 pm
=46rom: JES <yez@home.nl>
To: kroupware@kde.org

=46rom the QIM, I execute :
2. as normal user execute
sh ./openpkg-1.2.0-1.2.0.src.sh --prefix=3D/kolab --user=3Dkolab --group=3D=
2>&1 | tee > kolab.log

But I used /opt/kolab as a prefix. Can't I use another prefix ? It's because
the next step sh ./openpkg-1.2.0-1.2.0.ix86-linux2.4-kol.sh fails with :
openpkg:WARNING: skipping creation of system run-command hooks
openpkg:WARNING: (would require root-priviledges)
openpkg:WARNING: skipping creation of system cron hooks
openpkg:WARNING: (would require root-priviledges)
mkdir: cannot create directory `/kolab': Toegang geweigerd (<-- =3D permiss=

So, I make a symbolic link and I continue...
Since I'm on a semi-production environment, I don't want to execute programs
as user root, without knowing what's exactly happening. So I run it as a
It would be nice if the QIM (or the script) would say what I should do
manually if I don't run it as root.



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