[Kroupware] Re: [ot] maildir & locking (was: Re: Web interface frontend)

Andreas Jellinghaus kroupware@mail.kde.org
29 Sep 2002 22:04:41 +1200

<personal opinion>
i don't care how a server speaks to it hard disk. the options are
atapi, scsi, iscsi, nfs, nbd and other stuff.

outside the server <-> harddisc scenario nfs is IMO not usable.
</personal opinion>

storage formats:
an imap server needs to send headers only. I'd would be foolish,
if it had to scan all mails to create that header lists.
thats why the cyrus format is a lot better than maildir:
it has these caches in place.

also moving files (e.g new/ old/) is not a good idea backupwise.

<personal opinion>
it's not a good idea to access the backend file of a sql server directly
(vi, cat, sed, ...). better use the server to do that.

same with network file servers: access the data via the interface only.
the nfs problem is mostly a problem of some users going via nfs,
and some users coming directly using the local filesytems. also it's
about nfs implementations being incompatible (or at least they
were, when it came to advanced features).

and with mail: well, i think you should put it in a server, and then
access only via published interface. like pop/imap. like cyrus does.
the idea of bypassing that interface to edit/whatever mails with vi,
mutt or other tools sound ridiculous to me.
</personal opinion>
