[Kroupware] kolab web interface

Martin Konold kroupware@mail.kde.org
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 10:54:55 +0200


this is a preliminary note on how we inted to structure the web interface=

There are three kind of logons.

1. Normal Kolab Users

These are the normal kolab users. Basically they get presented a menu to
 login and they are allowed to change their personal settings like postal
 address, telephon number, facsimile number and room numer.
In addition the kolab users may enable a permanent forwarding email addre=
and the vacation message.

2. Maintainer Users

Maintainers are administrative users without groupware functionality (no
 email nor groupware imap folder. Their sole purpose is for adminstrative
 task on the server. The maintainer user interface targets people like
 secretaries and help desk staff. Maintainer users are allowed to manage
 users (create, modify and delete) and shared folders (create, modify and

3. Administrators

Administrators can do everything like a maintainer plus they are allowed =
view and change every aspect of the server like hostname, enable/disable


Login Dialog (not coded in php but use of browser login window)

        Kolab Secure Web Logon


Depending on Username either normal User Menu, Maintainer Menu or Admin M=
is shown.


Note: Stuff in Brackets [] is implemented later!

Login Menu,..
=09Re Authenticate

User Menu
        User Settings (default)
                User Name: non editable
                change PW button
                .... actually all usable attributes from LDAP in a single
                distinguish between editable and non editable elements
                Editable: (postal Address, telecom stuff, room, depart,..=
=2E )
                non-edit: (SN,CN, UID, Aliases, Quota, Delete Flag)
        Message/Email Routing
                Forward all Messages to: foo@foobar.com
                (Bounce/Return all Messages back to sender) not sure!

        Vacation Settings
                Vacation enable/disable
                Vacation Text Wizard Layout (Text, date,...)

        [Webmail] (default)


Admin Menu:
        User Settings
                Manage Users (default)
                        Offer Search/Select Register
                        User Name: non editable
                        .... actually all usable attributes from LDAP in =
                        single form.
                        distinguish between editable and non editable
                        elements User Quota
                        Remove User
                Create User
                        User Name: editable --> goto Manage automatically

        Shared Folders Settings
                Manage Shared Folders (default)
                        Offer Search/Select Register
                        Folder Name: non editable
                        ACLs (noch nicht perfekt!)
                                Create new ACL
                                Manage ACLs
                        Remove Shared Folder
                Create Shared Folder
                        Folder Name: editable --> goto Manage automatical=

        Maintainer Settings
                Manage Maintainer Accounts (default)
                        Offer Search/Select Register
                        User Name: non editable
                        .... actually all usable attributes from LDAP in =
                        single form.
                        distinguish between editable and non editable
 elements Remove Maintainer
                Create Maintainer
                        User Name: editable --> goto Manage automatically

        Administrator Settings
                Manage Administrator Accounts (default)
                        (Offer Search/Select Register)
                        User Name: non editable
                        .... actually all usable attributes from LDAP in =
                        single form.
                        distinguish between editable and non editable
                        elements Remove Administrator
                Create Administrator
                        User Name: editable --> goto Manage automatically

        Server Settings
                restart Kolab Server

                Enable/Disable IMAP
                Enable/Disable IMAP over TLS
                Enable/Disable POP3
                Enable/Disable POP3 over TLS
                Enable/Disable LDAP
                Enable/Disable LDAP over TLS
                Enable/Disable SMTP
                Enable/Disable SMTP over TLS
                Enable/Disable WebDAV Freebusy Support over TLS
                Enable/Disable Legacy Freebusy Support (via FTP/HTTP)
                        Change Password
                        Quota [MB]
                [Enable/Disable virus scanner]
                [Enable/Disable spam filter]
                [Enable/Disable blacklist]

                [Manage Certificates]
                [Manage virus scanner]
                [Manage spam filter]
                [Manage blacklists]
                [Manage Header Rewriting]
                [Manage SMTP static routes]
                [Manage Relay Options]
                [Browser LDAP Tree]
                [Manage Kolab Backup]
                        [Create Backup]
                        [Rollback to Backup]
                        [Delete Backup]
                [Migrate User from OL to Kolab client]
                [manage mailqueue]

        Logs & Statistics
                [Show MTA usage]
                Show Kolab Log (simple tail -300 initially)
                [Show System Load (Load, network I/O, filesystems)]


Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold
e r f r a k o n
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
Germanenstrasse 15, 70563 Stuttgart, Germany
email: martin.konold@erfrakon.de