[Kroupware] Re: Trial run with kmail and outlook bynari plugin

Marc Mutz kroupware@mail.kde.org
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 17:58:10 +0100

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On Friday 27 December 2002 20:41, Henning Holtschneider wrote:
> > Btw, did you get server side filters (sieve) working?
> How is the Sieve filter stuff supposed to work? Do I have to use a
> (non-existent?) web interface to define the filter rules or can this
> be done from the client (KDE? Outlook?).

Sieve is only used for generating vacation messages and unconditional=20
redirection. Full Sieve script support is out of the scope of the=20

You can, however, use any KIO-enabled application to upload scipts to=20
the server. The scripts must be in utf-8 encoding with DOS line ending=20
conventions (CRLF instead of LF), must be syntactically and=20
semantically valid and must not violate site policies, else the upload=20
will fail (managesieve is quite limited a protocol).

You can upload as many scripts as you like, but only one can be active=20
at a time. You can make a scipt active e.g. in Konqueror by changing=20
it's permission to executable. Maybe you need to desactivate all other=20
scripts first, I don't remember...


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.      -- Benjamin Franklin

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