[Kroupware] shared folders questions

Henning Holtschneider kroupware@mail.kde.org
27 Dec 2002 17:21:27 +0100


I'm trying to use the shared folders of Kolab 1.0-beta1 but I've got
some problems. I'm using Outlook 2000/Bynari InsightConnector 1.15 as
the client:

1. A shared folder is invisible to users created after the shared folder
has been created, i.e. if I add a shared folder "folder1" and then a new
user "user1", folder1 will not be visible for user1.

2. How to I tell InsightConnector to expect special items in a shared
folder (calender, tasks etc.)? I've found a "hidden message" in the
special folders created by InsightConnector but if I copy this message
to a shared folder on the server, it does not turn the folder into a
special folder.

3. If I delete a shared folder, I get the message "The object cn=<folder
name>,dc=<host name> has been deleted", the folder disappears in Outlook
but it is still visible from the Kolab server admin, the LDAP object is
not being deleted and Apache's error log says:

[Fri Dec 27 17:13:36 2002] [error] PHP Warning:  Failed opening
'../include/date.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in
/kolab/var/kolab/www/admin/sharedfolder/create_sharedfolder.php on line
sh: sudo: command not found

Any help on these matters would be appreciated ;-)
