[Kroupware] Partial kroupware instalation

Miroslav Zubcic kroupware@mail.kde.org
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:44:32 +0100

Hi all.

I'm watching your groupware project built from opensource components.
Great thing and great project!

If I understand your project correctly, you want to unify
administration of those components, make web and KDE client based
addressbook and use bynary "connector" for M$ LookOut compatibility
until open source component is written.

However, I cannot understand why you have almost half of some
GNU/Linux distribution like dependency on your ftp server. :-)

Is it (easly) possible to use *existing* components ?

Let me explain what I mean:
I have OpenLDAP 2.1.X server (upgraded to 2.1.9 yesterday),
cyrus-imapd, sasl, sendmail 8.12.6, apache2 etc ...  This is
production environment where I have built parts of LDAP tree imap
config, and the rest myself during past few months. Can I "integrate"
kolab-0.96-20021029.src.rpm in this environment? That is, as I see you
have your own schema file (many duplicates from standard core and
cosine schema are inside also as I see but I can fix that).

You have php-based web interface in that rpm. I cannot find where your
application reads config parameters (bindDN, base, passwd, server ...),
and I suspect that apache2 or php must be compiled/configured with
some internal LDAP library/api support for this to work.

Is it possible to do "light" kroupware installation? I'm aware that I
must hack a little, and that I cannot manage sendmail MTA with your
app, but this is OK. I just need some pointers about dependencies in
apache, php and how things are organized.

Thanks ...

		The Network is the Filesystem