[Kroupware] Apache compile error

Dirk Zimmer kroupware@mail.kde.org
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 17:15:41 +0100

Hello all,

first of all thanks for all the efforts to develop an exchange-replacement.

i have the same problems compiling apache. i changed (like many other) the 
dependencies of "fsl" and "gdbm". i am not willing to use the 
"nodeps"-parameter. sorry, but it sounds like the microsoft-way.

> > mod_auth_dbm.c:84:18: ndbm.h: No such file or directory
> ...
> the file apache build is missing (ndbm.h) comes with gdbm.

i installed gdbm without warning or error message. but i couldn't find the 
specified header. thanks for hints to solve this problem.

i have a question to the compile-order. why didn't you compile postfix before 
imapd (imapd-install depends on a mta)?

tip: you didn't add binutils in the QIM.

Dirk Zimmer