[Kroupware] 1.0-beta1 install notes

konold@erfrakon.de kroupware@mail.kde.org
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 01:24:31 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Martin Lillepuu wrote:

Hi Martin,

thanks for your very much welcomed report!

> 1. gcc failed dependency

> error: failed build dependencies:
>         binutils >=3D 2.13 is needed by gcc-3.2-1.1.0

I added the binutils rpm. (Think about people trying to bootstrap on
legacy unix systems)

> 2. fsl.spec and gdbm.spec are checking for incorrect openpkg version

I added --nodeps in the QIM for the interim solution.

> 3. I think QIM should also mention installation of following packages, wh=
> are required for apache:

> gdbm mm bison flex


> 4. is m4 being actually used? (I built and installed it anyway)

not currently.

> /bin/sh: cd: kolab: No such file or directory


> 7. etc/kolab/kolab_buildconfig is missing, resulting eq. deleted users no=
> being flushed from ldap.

This script should not be required anymore. The system(sudo) thing was a
very ugly hack.

We decided that it is much cleaner if the web interface only talks to the
ldap server and that write requests to the ldap server get monitored.
Whenever a relevant write access is detected a corresponding action is
triggered by the kolab perl script.

-- martin

Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold

e r f r a k o n
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
Germanenstra=DFe 15, 70563 Stuttgart, Germany
mobil: 0175 4148693
fax: 0175 13 4148693
email: martin.konold@erfrakon.de