Frame System

Miguel Angel Gómez Márquez atomicmx at
Wed Oct 4 23:06:14 CEST 2006

Grrrr the text adjustment can make confusions.
Ammm again:
       Spline(){}   *   Frame  = Relative Tweened Object

BoxEnd::pX - BoxBegin::pX
----------------------------------  *  CLOCK  = BoxTween::pX

BoxEnd and BoxBegin get filtered BoxTween is the object rendered with
the specific calculations for that frame (clock second).

On 10/4/06, Miguel Angel Gómez Márquez <atomicmx at> wrote:
> Would it be too ugly to use a preprocessor ( parser) before calling
> the renderer?
> -------
> A possible answer i want to opinions on and for to make basic
> animations without modifying much the code would be adding  2 objects
> (in the same window for the moment) putting a tag or label that says
> that the first object is the begining and the last one is the end.
> Then to make the tween we call the function x (which was selected by a
> combo box or something) this case linear, and  linear function will do
> something like:
>                               Spline(){}                            *
>    Frame  = Relative Tweened Object
>                               Whatever(){}
> BoxEnd::propertieX - BoxBegin::propertieX
> ----------------------------------------------------         *
> CLOCK  = BoxTween::PropertieX
>                            Frames
>                      (or just Box)
> So before writing the .POV temp file the BoxEnd and BoxBegin will be
> removed (filtered, so they wont be drawn) and we get as result the
> Draw just of the tween (animated frame).
> In theory those tags can be added just as a comment so most of the
> code won't be touched. (comments like the name of the objects )
> would be something like
> //*PMFrames=10 (for the whole animation)
> //*PMBegin1
> Box  bla bla
> //*PMBegin2
> Light
> //*PMEnd2
> Light
> //*PMEnd1
> Box bla bla
> Then instead of
> KPM in memory --> Serializer ---> Render TMP File
> Would be
> KPM in memory ---> Tween processor --- Serializer ---> Render TMP File
> So we would only modify some visual widgets. and making the Tween module.
> So, what about this idea?
> This will keep intact the clean framework of the actual code.
> By the way, which distro do you use mates?
> I bet you use Debian or SuSE.

      Engrane3D GNU/Linux


  Miguel Ángel Gómez Márquez
        Ingeniería en Sistemas


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