kdegraphics installed but no kpovmodeler

Olivier SARAJA (Linuxgraphic) olivier.saraja at linuxgraphic.org
Mon Feb 21 18:58:08 CET 2005


> Hi. Thanks for your reply. I've tried the following command on my Fedora
> Core 3 box:
>  [pancho at linux ~] $ rpm -qa | grep kdegraphics
> and I get the following:
>  kdegraphics-devel-3.3.0-3
>  kdegraphics-3.3.0-3
> but I can't find any icons on the k-menu that will start kpovmodeler and
> issuing the  kpovmodeler command on a terminal fails.
> Then I tried this:
>  rpm -q --provides kdegraphics
> and I got a list of shared objects and none was called kpovmodeler. Maybe
> my distribution is shipping kdegraphics without kpovmodeler. Does anybody
> run kpovmodeler on a Fedora Core 3 system? If so, would you let me know how
> you did it?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Pancho

on the newest KDE packages (SuSE 9.2) the package you should install is 
kdegraphics-3D IIRC...
to install it trough rpms, make sure to install povray too...

Olivier SARAJA

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