kpovmodeler on Fedora Core 4 and possibly previous versions

William K. Volkman wkvsf at
Tue Aug 16 09:11:19 CEST 2005

I read in the archives that some think there is a license issue
which is keeping kpovmodeler from being included in the Fedora
distributions.  I'm using Fedora Core 4 and just grabbed
the updated src rpm (kdegraphics-3.4.2-0.fc4.1.src.rpm)
installed it and examined the .spec file, perhaps the real
issue is it was just forgotten.  Inside I found:

%define kpovmodeler 0

And then further down:

# disable kpovmodeler temporary. waiting for freeglut
%if !%{kpovmodeler}
   echo "DO_NOT_COMPILE=\"\$DO_NOT_COMPILE kpovmodeler\""

Then down in the Change Log:
* Thu Sep 04 2003 ...
- disable kpovmodeler temporary. waiting for freeglut

So I changed the define to 1 and rebuilt:
rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/kdegraphics.spec

Worked for me, YMMV.

I'll admit I didn't research very much (at all :-), I just was hoping
to find a modeler that perhaps I could use (rather than the hand
copying as I'm doing now although I'm using PoV 3.6 and it didn't
understand my array definition).


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