CSG Code

Leon Pennington leon at leonscape.co.uk
Thu Oct 14 23:40:13 CEST 2004

On Thursday 14 October 2004 18:48, Andreas Zehender wrote:
> erm, replace cube with sphere *g*
> It, ähm, of course, ähm, doesn't make sense to specify detail levels for
> cubes :-)

Okay :)

I've been working on the demo, so its suitable to have a look at, if anybody 
wants too. All the merging isn't complete ( I still need to do that ). Its 
apparent in scenario 6 & 7, especially if you turn up the detail on the 

The last scenario ( number 0 to be funny ) Is the real stress test, especially 
when you turn up the detail. Two spheres of 870 polygons each. On my machine 
the CSG takes ( in seconds )

Union 0.01
Merge 1.05
Diffrence 0.7
Intersection 0.51

You can add 0.4 For the first time through. As it has to build the two trees, 
for each sphere. It then caches these for use in subsequent CSG calcs.

Readme has all the details of how to use it.

The source is here http://www.leonscape.co.uk/linux/csgcalc/csgcalc-0.1.tar.gz

Leon Pennington

"If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you 
teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime." 

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