CSG Code

Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Wed Oct 13 19:11:19 CEST 2004


On Wednesday, 13. October 2004 01:22, Leon Pennington wrote:
> Hi all,
> Completed a working version of my CSG code using BSP as its base, and it
> comes in at a very compact 400 lines of code in my little testing program (
> a tenth the size of the BREP implementation ), and its very quick so quick
> I tried timing it and the two cubes CSG I was using for a basis didn't even
> register a time above 0.0. Its only a proof of the fact that it works, and
> not that sophisticated but I feel confident in using this as a basis for

Cool, do you have any experimental screenshots?

> Now comes the part of intergrating it into KPOV. This is quite a big task
> since lines are no longer good enough, and all the objects will have to be
> converted too using polygons ( Obviously excluding lights and cameras, and
> other none solid objects ). I'm willing to do this.

If you look at the class documentation of PMViewStructure, you will notice 
that I planed to extend it to contain faces, too.

> Though it has occured to me since I'm converting them anyway, how about we
> take advantage of this, I've been think of a global detail level for a
> while now. Some one mentioned it when I did the Heightfield display, but
> also generating the sphere sweep, with its values for detail as well. I was
> wondering what people would think of a global detail level for all object (
> well most, it wouldn't apply to cubes for instance, only onjects with
> rounded surfaces ), and what would be the preferred way to achieve this. I
> thinking coding wise, where would the objects get the value for detail
> from. perhaps a parameter to createViewStructure?

Fine with me.
This global detail level _could_ apply to cubes. It could increase or decrease 
detail levels specified for objects in the settings dialog.

Greetigns, Andreas

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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