CSG Code (Leon Pennington)

olivier.saraja at linuxgraphic.org olivier.saraja at linuxgraphic.org
Wed Oct 13 12:21:51 CEST 2004


> Today's Topics:
>    1. Renderman Exporter (david at david-williams.info)
>    2. CSG Code (Leon Pennington)

Nice to see that both projects are nicely going along =)

> Though it has occured to me since I'm converting them anyway, how about we
> take advantage of this, I've been think of a global detail level for a
> while
> now. Some one mentioned it when I did the Heightfield display, but also
> generating the sphere sweep, with its values for detail as well. I was
> wondering what people would think of a global detail level for all object
> ( well most, it wouldn't apply to cubes for instance, only onjects with
> rounded surfaces ), and what would be the preferred way to achieve this. I
> thinking coding wise, where would the objects get the value for detail
> from.
> perhaps a parameter to createViewStructure?

I think I was the one who mentioned it, but I'm not sure because it was a
long time ago, already ;) so no offense if you refered to someone else :)

I would be glad to have a global detail level for all object, set to a
default value stored in the preferences. To another level, the user should
be able to override the default value for a particular object with a lower
or higher value. For instance, when manually placing objects on the top
surface of a height field, since there's no openGL shading yet, the
highest level of detail is required to set the altitude coordinate of the
object to be placed. Once all placement are done, the lowest level of
detail is then needed (if needed at all) as I usually concentrate on other
parts of the scene.

So my example workflow would be (from a range from 0 to 5, for example) to
set the LOD of the HF to 5, place my objects along the surface, turn the
LOD to the default 1 or 2 I like most, then select an other object, set it
to 4 because I will model another object around it, then turn it back to
the default 1 or 2, and so forth...

Hope my explanations make sense ;)


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