Graphical Views, and things.

Leon Pennington leonscape at
Fri Jun 4 03:26:01 CEST 2004

I've already sent it once but after 24 hours it hasn't appeared, I apologise 
in advance if it appears twice.


I've been busy with several things. Since its been over a month, I though I'd 
let you know what it these are.

1. Kate part, not done this as I said I would due to ...

2. Graphical Views. I started trying to work with the brep library, Then 
started trying to implement something similar just with KPM, and have been 
switching back and worth using different techniques. Its fun to do and 
experiment with, but not very productive so far. I'm back with brep at the 
moment, just the C++ implementation has minimum CSG code ( So I'm working 
with the C version ), also it adds another dependency we might not want.

3. Also been working on something for blobs. I've been experimenting with 
shrink wrapping, and centre projection type stuff to see what works best. 
Been having a lot of success. I think If I can get this to work it would also 
be good for things like iso surfaces. Which leads too...

4. Functions, been working with a way to interpret the functions, so we can 
display the objects that need them by necessity ( and the moment just 
Landscapes, since I already have a way to display them. ) Its hard as its 
means writing code to calculate patterns, I get something similar, but not 
always Identical. The positive upshot of this is...

5. We could also you it as a way to display patterns as you change variables, 
so you can get a good Idea what each pattern would look like. ( I'd find it 
useful anyway. )

Something that did occur to me for in display texturing ( for the graphical 
polygons )is using Pov to calculate them off-screen, and then pasting the 
resultant image as an OpenGL texture, it wouldn't be completely accurate, bit 
it would give you an idea how things are looking. It could get very slow 

Currently my e-mail is broke again, but I know why. My Hosting Provider didn't 
notify me that my lease way running out on my domain, so Its currently 
suspended, I sorted it out with them 3 weeks ago, but now nominet ( that 
run .uk domains ) are dragging there feet and its still suspended so my 
e-mail is currently <leonscape at blueyonder dot co dot uk>

Leon Pennington

"If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you 
teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime." 

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