View Update

Andreas Zehender zehender at
Thu Jan 29 19:00:43 CET 2004

On Thursday, 29. January 2004 15:02, Leon Pennington wrote:
> On Thursday 29 January 2004 11:26, Olivier Saraja wrote:
> > Instead of making a OK button to press in the editor, you should make a
> > REVOKE Editor  button (that will act the same as OK, internally
> > speaking). This way, you *still* have to press on APPLY in the properties
> > window but the whole is logical: the popup defines only supplementary
> > properties, and it's only when these are applied in the main properties
> > view that changes occur. Opening and closing the editor is then called by
> > CALL Editor and REVOKE Editor buttons.
> >
> > Hope this idea helps...
> It does help. Thinking that way lead me into thinking about close. So
> instead of Ok and Cancel, just a close button. That does make it more
> logical. This solves another problem I was having as well. Thanks!

Yes, it is more logical this way.

And there is no way to apply the data automatically at the moment. slotApply 
of PMDialogView is private.

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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