Not in scene

Andreas Zehender zehender at
Sun Jan 11 08:16:26 CET 2004


On Sunday, 11. January 2004 06:50, Leon Pennington wrote:
> On Saturday 10 January 2004 03:02, Leon Pennington wrote:
> > So... If I instead inherit from PMNamedObject, I can have more control.
> > I'd have to reimplement those things I want from Graphical and Solid (
> > Export, No-Shadow etc. ). The only thing I don't think would be possible
> > is the visibility stuff. Since the render manager checks to see if its a
> > graphical object.

Hmm, that doesn't make sense IMO. Will either have to change the insert rules 
for csg or remove that limitation in the render mananger.

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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