distributed rendering - final?

Christoph Fabianek fabianek at cs.utk.edu
Mon Sep 29 18:47:20 CEST 2003


I have spent the last week on implementing the issues mentioned so far:
- distributed rendering page in the global settings dialog
- saving both values in the transportConfig
- displaying the output of POV-Ray if an error occurs in a scene
- updating the documentation

As for the problems with setting up a NetSolve client I have talked with the 
NetSolve developers and they told me that currently there is not much you can 
do if you are behind a firewall or a DSL router  which does IP masquerading 
(probably the problem for Andreas). So I think it would make sense to 
concentrate for testing on the SSH transport.

The file dist_render_29_Sep_03.tar.gz contains:
- dist_render_29_Sep_03.patch (latest patch against current CVS)
- pmdistrendersettings.cpp / pmdistrendersettings.h (page in settings dialog)
- pmdistrendersettings.Plo (file in .deps/ - necessary?)
- dist_render_doc_29_Sep_03.patch (documentation changes)
- *.png (new/changed image files in the documentation)

The file is quite large (about 130k) so I have put it for download here:

Since I'm still not able to build the documentation I'm not sure if all the 
tags are correct - could someone please apply dist_render_doc_29_Sep_03.patch 
and sent me the output of checkXML?

Finally, you will need the latest version of nspovray for displaying the 
output of POV-Ray if an error occurs in a scene. The source is available at

and the binary at

Thanks for reading so far and I hope distributed rendering will make it into 
KDE 3.2 - greetings,

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