distributed rendering

Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Sun Sep 21 14:20:10 CEST 2003


Some questions/notes:

1) Does nspovray need special firewall rules? Some open ports?
Network traffic shows transmission at about 5k/s but almost no receiving, with 
a single box in the scene. And I'm on broad band.

I only get this output in the povray output window:

Initializing NetSolve...
Initializing NetSolve Complete
Sending Input of Task 6590 to Server anakin04.sinrg.cs.utk.edu
Sending Input of Task 6591 to Server anakin04.sinrg.cs.utk.edu
Sending Input of Task 6592 to Server anakin04.sinrg.cs.utk.edu
Sending Input of Task 6593 to Server anakin04.sinrg.cs.utk.edu
Sending Input of Task 6594 to Server anakin02.sinrg.cs.utk.edu
Sending Input of Task 6595 to Server anakin02.sinrg.cs.utk.edu

2) What I don't like is that you put all nspovray options in the render modes. 
Global nspovray options should be in a separate settings page in the settings 
dialog. Only options like number of instances and tile width should be in the 
render modes.

3) If you change the transport type, the agent or hostfile setting gets lost.

Greetings, Andreas

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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