
olivier at olivier at
Sun Sep 21 11:57:19 CEST 2003


>That would be great I'm quite eager to work on the landscape plug-in (been
>working up tests and other stuff outside of kpm). Since I have a greater
>understanding now of the internal structure I think it would be possible for
>it to do an entire outside scene, sky, rivers rainbows, sun etc. I've also
>been working on plants, doing it sepreatley so you could create pot plants
>for an indoor scene and trees for outside. and maybe link the two.

Leon, you are my god! lol! Landscapes are my favourite subject in CG, but alas I
think it'll be quite boring once you developp these plugins ;o)

Truly, it's interesting to see that these three last weeks, the number of
developpers for kpm has been doubled. The current feature freeze is already
appealing, and lot of interesting things are apparently freezed.

I'll be happy to see more updates to kpm apart from updates of KDE, and I'm sure
all users think the same.

Keep up the good work, all! I'll continue to write french tutos, and hope I'll
finally have some help for the translation in english! In fact, all proposals I
had turned to lack of time, and finally I still have no one helping me... :o(


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