New in CVS: Noise Generators

Leon Pennington leon at
Tue Sep 9 15:07:52 CEST 2003

On Tuesday 09 September 2003 12:47 pm, olivier at wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any chance we will see the Slope pattern implemented in the next
> version? It's a key feature of 3.5 regarding to landscape modeling and
> texturing... The same with isosurfaces, also very useful for landscapes,
> walls, floors... Please please tell us yes! ;o)
> Cheers,
> Olivier

Currently the new patterns including slope are not going to be added to this 
verison for KDE 3.2. Andreas has done Iso surfaces and their in the CVS.

I'm big on Landsapes myself and use raw povray at the moment for slope.

Leon Pennington

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 Nathaniel Borenstein. 

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