KDE 3.2 feature plan

CARVALHO Luis Passos luis.passos at enabler.com
Mon Sep 1 21:30:49 CEST 2003


If you don't mind, I'd rather keep working on the library.
As it is it's not production ready yet. 
We can always remove it from the menu rc if it does not work, but at least
the browser i'd like to get done. 

I've found out why delete wouldn't work. In the main window, pressing del
goes through the accelerators calling slotEditDelete() on the part.
In the library window, since it doesn't inherit from qmainwindow, there is
no accelerator manager, so the only method that is called is
PMTreeView::keyPressEvent(). So, I'm trying to handle the delete from within
keyPressEvent(). As far as I can tell there will be no overlap with
qmainwindow's handler, as keyPressEvent() is never called if the view is
located in the main window, only if it is in a qwidget.

As soon as that is finished I'll be able to handle the rest of the needs for
the library code.

Luis Passos Carvalho

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Zehender [mailto:zehender at kde.org]
> Sent: segunda-feira, 1 de Setembro de 2003 19:58
> To: For developers of KPovModeler
> Subject: Re: KDE 3.2 feature plan
> Hi Luis!
> On Monday, 01. September 2003 20:31, CARVALHO Luis Passos wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > Sorry for the late reply, but time during the holidays was a scarce
> > commodity, so I didn't read your email until last night.
> Welcome back!
> > As you may already have noticed, I did not update the 
> feature plan. I agree
> > that the new objects are a priority, now.
> I came back on friday and updated the feature plan myself.
> Do you have some spare time to implement some new textures or objects?
> We have 3 weeks left for new features and new i18n strings.
> Greetings, Andreas
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------
>  Andreas Zehender
>  Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
>  http://www.azweb.de
>  az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      
> --------------------------------------------------
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> http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kpovmodeler-devel

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