KDE 3.2 feature plan

Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Mon Sep 1 21:58:28 CEST 2003

Hi Luis!

On Monday, 01. September 2003 20:31, CARVALHO Luis Passos wrote:
> Hello!
> Sorry for the late reply, but time during the holidays was a scarce
> commodity, so I didn't read your email until last night.

Welcome back!

> As you may already have noticed, I did not update the feature plan. I agree
> that the new objects are a priority, now.

I came back on friday and updated the feature plan myself.
Do you have some spare time to implement some new textures or objects?

We have 3 weeks left for new features and new i18n strings.

Greetings, Andreas

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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