distributed rendering - final?

Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Wed Oct 1 19:47:44 CEST 2003


On Wednesday, 01. October 2003 10:47, Christoph Fabianek wrote:
> If you want we can try at the weekend to set up a complete NetSolve
> installation on your computer and then test step by step to find the
> problem. 

Yes, please, that would be great.
We have a public holliday on thursday, until then I will try to compile KDE 
from cvs, at least kdelibs and kdebase.

> For now please test with the SSH transport since it almost doesn't
> make a difference for the interface in KPM if you use SSH or NetSolve.

I will test it at the weekend.
The deadline is not valid any more :-)


 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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