Feature request

olivier at linuxgraphic.org olivier at linuxgraphic.org
Wed Nov 26 10:12:20 CET 2003

Hi all,

>> Often I use the "raw povray" object for something that I
>> know will take a certain amount of space.  I'd be happy
>> to type in a bounding-box and/or center/radius
>> [snip]
>> Do you think this would make sense?
> I'm not a kpm developer; just a lurker right now :)   But I just wanted to 
> suggest that, perhaps, child objects could be added to approximate the actual 
> raw object.. like maybe squares, spheres, whatever.

Personnally, I also set manualy a box or a sphere around the space containing 
the raw object. Unfortunately, I manage to set the good scales only by 
rendering the raw object along with a semi-transparent box (or sphere). Once 
the good scale is set, I turn the box fully transparent and import it in my 
current scene along with the raw object within an union object.

I'm not a developer (and don't have any skill for it), but it seems difficult 
(IMHO) to ask kpm to automatically include a box of the proper dimensions as I 
suppose that the soft will have to systematically parse the raw object in order 
to detect the dimensions, which could take a lot of time for potentially 
complex raw objects like those issued from the povtree java macro or the 
makegrass macro...

Anyway, I'd be happy to have such a feature anyway until the plugin's system is 
operational and show the object directly in the 3d views... :o)

I suppose that macros like Gilles Tran's makegrass could be very easy to turn 
into a plugin?


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