Object and texture library

Andreas Zehender kpovmodeler-devel@mail.kde.org
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 10:14:34 +0100

Hi Luis!

On Thursday 09 January 2003 23:05, Luis Carvalho wrote:
> I'd much rather create a PMTreeViewBase and PMTreeView. In the subclass I'd
> had everything needed to connect to the part.
> After looking at the code I don't understand the reasoning behind moving
> the selected objects list from PMTreeView to PMPart. Do you remember why
> you did it?

I guess because of efficiency reasons. Good argument if you don't know :-)

The list of selected objects is needed by other views (?) and the part itself 
(copy/paste for example). I needed a central place to store it, and that is 
the part. Remember that you can remove the tree view.

> > Maybe that was not clear enough. I don't like the idea of a separate "add
> > object to library" menu item. The library should be editable inside the
> > browser when in a special edit mode, not the objects data. You should be
> > able to set the data by draging objects from the tree view onto the
> > browser, not to edit the data inside the browser.
> We could have an additional button in the dialog's toolbar to had an empty
> object to the library (The icon could be a question mark, and all other
> values would be empty).


> PS: Regarding bug 51471, I can't replicate it and I haven't got an answer
> from Rivo Lak yet. Did you manage to replicate what he found? If not, I
> suggest we move the bug back to unconfirmed, instead of new.
> Anyone else in the list who has a kde3.1 RC, would you care to try and
> replicate this bug?
> http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51471

Or you can close the bug with the status "Works for me"


PS: I don't know if I will have internet access the next days. I will move to 
Munich next week.

 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science
 az@azweb.de | zehender@kde.org      