
Andreas Zehender zehender at
Mon Dec 29 21:11:20 CET 2003

Hi Leon!

On Monday, 29. December 2003 20:39, Leon Pennington wrote:
> Well I've been using format->registerMethod(), but the format is created
> whithin the render code, and my method is obviously not registered. or am I
> missing something? I tried various other ways but this seemed to be the
> only way to get it to work.

Uh, now you got me ;-)
That was meant to work this way:

All formats are registered with PMIOManager::registerFormat()

Formats are kind of singletons and should never be created but only accessed 
and used with PMIOManager::format( const QString& name )

That way you can register your serialization methods once at plugin loading 
time to the already registered format that is used each time.

PMPart uses the registered formats when exporting, but not yet when rendering 
a scene.

 Andreas Zehender
 Master of Computer Science, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 az at | zehender at      

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