Really no comment?

Olivier Saraja
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 15:26:28 +0000


> Woohoo, french! School classes don't fail me now. ;)

I suppose I was real tired when I posted this message. The exact URL is: 
for the english version... Perhaps some coments will arise now that the 
language used is less obscure ;o)

> Well, God bless my school teachers, I could actually read everything.
> Also, speaking a latin language does have it's advantages in this case. ;)

Sure! :o)

> As usual, your tutorial is very good. No comments what so ever.

I really hope that these tutorials help a lot. It's not easy to write 
tutorials for a soft when you're not a specialist, but it's fun and I'm 
learning all along the writing phase. I think that I'll keep along with all 
of you for a long time ;o)

Olivier Saraja