Links and my wishlist

Olivier Saraja
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 20:06:35 +0000

Hi all,

> > links features on my private home page on role playing games and that I
> > lack space. I'll give you shortly the new URL, and then the old ones
> > should be changed on the kpm homepage.
> Sure.

For the moment, only tutorial 01 should appear at the following URL:

A whole section dedicated to kpm will be set once I Have enough material for 
it, which is not yet the case. Once this specially dedicated section will be 
set, I suppose I'll change slightly the URLs again...

My third tutorial is available at:

for ideas and comments. This URL should NOT be made public for the moment, as 
I still have plan about this tutorial. Let's say it's still in Beta version.

> On my wishlist, too :-)

cool to hear this :o)

> I think I stumbled over a library that can calculate csg results (don't
> have an url at hand). As long as csg results can't be calculated the
> shading preview will be useless. And don't expect this feature today and
> tomorrow morning. That's in the "long term" wishlist section (together with
> animations)

Too bad :o( but hey, I still have a cool tool in my hands!

> Are there nurbs objects in povray? At least not in the 3.1 version.

I'm not sure, I discovered Povray at the same time as kpm: I have no 
background in raytracers!

> Well, in theory you can insert any number of smooth triangles into a csg
> union to create a mesh object :-)
> It's planned in the near future!

Near future? Well, that's very very very cool: will there be tools to extrude, 
revolve et all. these triangles? This is not a feature linked to Povray, I 
guess, but to the modeler by itself that should be able to produce/generate 
the triangles compatible to povray with any proprietary inboard format kpm 
could have.

> The problem with all your csg ideas is that they would be only
> implementable for very simple objects. Imagine you want to round a truetype
> text object. No, I don't think this will ever be implemented.

Too bad. I suppose super ellipsoid an help a little in some circumstances...

> moment I am busy with the framework improvements. No idea what will be
> next.

Hey, I have a lot of features wishlist, if you mind ;o)

Olivier Saraja