
Andreas Zehender
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 14:29:41 +0100


On Tuesday 19 November 2002 14:15, Fabio Papa (MCE) wrote:
> Hi all again,
>    I understand that now it's not the best time for adding features, I only
> wanted to make an interesting idea that came through my head known...
>    I noticed kpovmod is lacking (at my best knowledge, at least :)!!) the
> capability of displaying CSG objects as final result, instead of displaying
> all the objects used. So I can see what is the final result of a difference
> of two objects, for example, instead of viewing the two objects. Giram, a
> gnome modeller, works this way, but your program is soooo much cooler...

That's already on my TODO list.
I even found a LGPL library that can generate CSG results and is already used in 3dom, another 
simple modeler.

I didn't find the time to have a deep look at it, thought.

> Thanks for the attention, and, please, keep this very good work goin'...

Of course. We will continue coding in a few weeks when the feature freeze is 
over and I have time again.
We have even some almost finished great new features like an object and 
texture library, a plugin framework and control point selection in the object 
properties view for the lathe, prism and sor object on our disks.


 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science |      