Changes in CVS

Andreas Zehender
Sun, 3 Mar 2002 23:01:53 +0100


On Sunday 03 March 2002 22:40, Greg Copeland wrote:
> Ack!  Wish you guys wouldn't migrate to KDE3 until it actually out and
> well supported.  At this point in time, is the intent to maintain any
> KDE2 backward compatibility?

KDE2 and KDE3 are almost source compatible.
This incompatible change was just a mistake of me.

The reason I already switched to KDE3:
- I had to test my game kspaceduel with KDE3
- KMail3 converted my mailbox so I can't switch back to KDE2 :-(
- Not many applications use the full KParts framework. I found some bugs 
in the framework in the past and I had to test the application with the 
betas before the final version is released.

For the moment I still intend to be compatible to KDE2. KDE3 will be 
released shortly, so this problem should be solved in some weeks.

Sorry for the break again.
Fixed in CVS already.

 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 9th semester computer science |      