[kplato] Possible library for reuse - libRCPS ?

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Mon Feb 25 13:50:58 CET 2008

Could be, thanks Brad.
From the docs it seems it can do more than what's currenrtly in kplato, at 
least. I had no plans to do more than testing/bug fixes on the scheduling 
until next release, and there is a load of stuff that needs attention...
Charles, could it possibly interrest your scheduling expert to have look at 
this for evaluation and possible inclusion in kplato?

Søndag 24 februar 2008 08:09 skrev Brad Hards:
> >From http://www.librcps.org/index.html :
> <quote>
> LibRCPS aims to be a versatile, powerful and fast open source library for
> resource constrained project scheduling. If you do not know much about the
> resource constrained project scheduling problem and how we define it, you
> should read our short introduction to RCPS. LibRCPS uses genetic algorithms
> to find solutions for your problems, a quite sophisticated method to deal
> with complex optimization problems.
> Licensed under the GPL, LibRCPS allows you to use powerfully project
> scheduling in your open source project with maximum freedom and control.
> Should you have problems integrating a GPL library into your project,
> please contact us for alternative licensing terms
> If you want to find out more about LibRCPS, and whether it is of any use to
> you, have a look at the list of features and the manual. Of course you can,
> and should, just get LibRCPS and give it a try! Should you have an
> problems, questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us.
> </quote>
> I haven't tried it, but it might be useful for kplato - it does have a C
> API, and some documentation.
> Brad
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Dag Andersen

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