[kplato] A humble request

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Sat Oct 13 10:33:49 CEST 2007

On Saturday 13 October 2007 01:42:03 zeynel wrote:
> Guys
> I bet you are already very busy with developing your cool tools and
> stretched with enquiries. If it is not too much, I have a humble
> request.
> I am a newbie to Linux and opensource material. I have recently
> installed OpenSuse on my machine and don't even know what tar is or how
> to install things from ftp or mirror services.
> I very much like to install your cool product KOffice, Kplato in
> particular.
> Could you send me a step by step installation guide?

Hi zeynel,

installing software is something that the distros give you all the 
information about; in this case opensuse. So your question is better 
directed on those forums.
However, I asked someone from the suse team for some hints and he told me 
to go to
and click on "1-Click Install"

I hope it works, as that is the extend of the help I can give you about 
opensuse :)

If you have any questions or suggestions about usage and technical 
capabilities of kplato, please do come back to this mailinglist.

Have a good day.
Thomas Zander
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