[kplato] Pert function

Alexis Ménard darktears31 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 18:28:40 CET 2007

hello all,

we work on the pert functionnality for kplato and we have a question. When
we explore kptnode, kpttask, and kptproject we see that there is some "old"
(we think) function for PERT. Names are :
-virtual bool isCritical<http://kplato.free.fr/docs_be/Retroconception/html/class_k_plato_1_1_task.html#dca4f90e402158274c948a1d8314b01c>()
-virtual bool calcCriticalPath<http://kplato.free.fr/docs_be/Retroconception/html/class_k_plato_1_1_task.html#5470c59626b286d048798c9758c2fa90>(bool

We want to know if these method and attributes use in it are actually use in
kplato. We want to developp our own method to calculate critical path but
should we modify these method or should we developp our method separatly (we
think we put the method to calculate critical path in kptproject). You will
see in kpttask and kptproject that we have add our attributes for pert

thank you for your response.

Alexis Ménard and Florian Piquemal
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