[kplato] week numbers

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Tue Dec 4 12:16:48 CET 2007

Mandag 03 december 2007 11:19 skrev ruud wijnen:
> Hi,
> I am using Kplato for my project planning but I cannot to get week numbers
> in the Gant chart. Is this possible in the current version?
Ahh, which version?
If trunk, we are still very much in the alpha stage, and the gantt chart isn't 
finished yet. (But it will be there)
If version 0.6 then it should be possible with context menu:
Press RMB over the timeline in the gantt chart, and you'll find what you need 
under Scale.
> Also I like to have the SOW numbers near the taskbar instead of the
> discripton. How to do this or add it to the feature request list?
Use Help->Report Bug... and mark your wish as a ... wish :)
> Thnx for a fine program so far.
Thank you!
> Ruud

Dag Andersen

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