[kplato] setting up a calendar

Adam Hardy adam.ant at cyberspaceroad.com
Tue Nov 21 00:45:23 CET 2006

Dag Andersen on 15/11/06 07:31, wrote:
> Tirsdag 14 november 2006 01:08 skrev Adam Hardy:
>> I would like to set up calendars by entering the hours a team member is
>> available during the week.
> In the calendar dialog, you can select weekdays (not only dates).
> You can also use ctrl- and shift keys when selecting.

OK, so I enter working sessions for every day by selecting days, even making 
selections spanning months (which is really useful) using the CTRL key.

If I leave a day undefined, what happens then? Does it take into account the 
settings on the Standard Worktime dialog?

This is pretty good, I've managed to work out a basic schedule for my first 
project now.

However, first of all I messed it up because I was confused by the abbreviation 
'Sun' appearing in the Calendar Settings dialog, on the x-axis label/first row, 
2nd square from the left.

I can't work out its significance. It is certainly not Sunday as I am editing 
this now (it's Monday) so it's not the current date.

It's certainly not the day title for that column of the grid, because those 
dates are all Mondays.

What is it? It looks useful, since it seems I can use it to set a work period 
globally for one day of the week.


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