[kplato] address list?

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Thu Nov 2 09:36:21 CET 2006

On Tuesday 31 October 2006 08:55, Dag Andersen wrote:
> You can link tasks in the gantt view by pressing LMB over the "from"
> task and drag the mouse to the "to" task. Double clicking the
> resulting link will bring up a dialog.
> You are not the first to ask about linking, It's not the most obviuos
> way of doing things, and I hope to have a better solution for koffice
> 2.0.

Hi all.
I have to admit I saw these issues as well while playing with KPlato. 
Its harder then it should be, IMOHO :)

There are a couple of gotchas that we can solve in the kplato code.
First is that dragging is a case of hit and miss. This is due to two 
problems. First, the feedback is rather small and hard to notice. 
Second dragging to anywhere on the node should be enough, though it 
apparently isn't (I'm not sure why not).
Last, the direction I am dragging in (from a to b, or from b to a) 
matters. It gives me a "Cannot link these nodes" if I drag 'the wrong 
If I drag a line from the right side of one node to the left side of the 
other the drag just is ignored since I was suppost to drag only from 
the left side of the first to the right of the second.
If the above sentence sounds confusing, that's because it is :)

I would suggest to make the dragging have immediate feedback. Start a 
drag and even while dragging show the dependency lines (so with arrow 
and angled) instead of the straight line.
Instead of forcing the user to stop the drag at exactly the right 
position continuesly find the most appropriate node even while dragging 
and connect to that.  Meaning that if I get in a 40 pixel radius of my 
node the connection I wanted to make is already visible and I can stop 
dragging at that point.

I would also like it if KPlato could (in 2.0) use the ToolBox and create 
a tool for making connections. As well as a tool for inserting new 
nodes via marking a specific time area. This additionally to the 
current menu approach helps users that like to drag/drop. A bit similar 
to how you insert a new event in KOrganizer.

Thomas Zander
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