[kplato] PERT distribution/risk

Jim Sabatke jsabatke at gmail.com
Sat May 13 17:14:11 CEST 2006

Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Thursday 11 May 2006 19:50, Jim Sabatke wrote:
>> Oh, one more thing.  High risk is not necessarily a reflection of the
>> resources abilities.  It could involve many other considerations, like:
> Or, on the resource side; a resource might be a car or any other 
> mechanical thing that needs maintenance or new fuel on a regular basis, 
> increasing the risk of underestimating the time taken.

That really goes to the heart of my points, higher risk does not 
necessarily mean incompetence; it usually is a recognition that there 
are things that are out of strict control of the project manager.


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