[kplato] OpenOffice.org P

Claus Agerskov ca at chbs.dk
Thu Oct 20 22:45:49 CEST 2005

> On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:
> > Am Donnerstag 20 Oktober 2005 22:10 schrieb Martin-Éric Racine:
> >
> > Add Open Office.  They are developing a project management application
> > to be included in upcoming releases of the 2.0 productivity suite.
> Can you give me a link to that one? (I am not aware of OOo 2.0 providing 
> such component) ... just checked, ... no, it does not provide one, at 
> least not in 2.0.

As one of the (content) developers of OOPM I can tell that the project is 
only in the analyzing face. So no design or code yet. And the project is 
no very active. But I am trying to push a little right now when 
OpenOffice.org got a lot of attention due to the release of version 2.0. 

I hope that can attract new contributers so the project can get off the 

The URL is http://oopm.openoffice.org (but it seems that the 
OpenOffice.org domain got very heavy traffic ;v)).

The most enjoyable greetings
De herligste hilsner     _/
                      __/ | +           Jeg  vil  leve i en verden,  hvor
Claus Agerskov       /    (_   .        al  kommunikation  er baseret  på
Råbrovej 34          |     _}     _     frie  og  åbne   standarder,   så
2765 Smørum          (    |_o `)(| )    enhver har friheden til at vælge.
ca at chbs.dk           \   /(_)-(_  ('         .       Claus Sørensen, 2001
                      |__\o./  _><o        []
http://www.chbs.dk            '--|'

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