[kplato] [Planner Dev] Planner maintainership

Raphael Langerhorst raphael.langerhorst at kdemail.net
Thu Oct 20 21:19:37 CEST 2005

Am Donnerstag 20 Oktober 2005 20:24 schrieb Chris Morgan:
> I know I can't be the only one worried by the lack of maintainership
> over the planner project.  I've thought about trying to step up to
> help maintain it but I'd only have time to contribute minor fixes, not
> handle full time maintainership.  I looked around and found this
> project that appears to be quite similar to Planner called TaskJuggler
> http://www.taskjuggler.org/index.php, and also appears to be actively
> maintained.  As much as I'm hesitant to say it, it might be a time to
> consider merging planner with a project that is still actively
> maintained, and redirecting users there.
> Chris

Hi there,

I contacted you previously to discuss standard file formats for project 
management applications:

Now that actually Planner maintainership is a question I want to put out some 

I am currently aware of three open source project management applications:

* Planner (Mr. Project)
* Task Juggler - http://www.taskjuggler.org
* KPlato - http://www.koffice.org and http://www.koffice.org/kplato

The first official KPlato release is to-be-released as part of KOffice 1.5 
early next year (probably February 2006). I'm part of the KOffice team and 
KPlato is one component I'm involved with.

We are also getting involved with the Task Juggler project to achieve good 
compatibility with this project. Task Juggler and KPlato have quite different 
approaches to project management. Task Juggler is basically a command line 
utility that processes a set of input rules/project descriptions - the GUI is 
an additional application. KPlato, on the other hand, is a real KOffice 
component. So I don't know how well it will be possible to merge Task Juggler 
and KPlato. The goal is to have one good Project Management application 
available. KPlato, as a KOffice component has tremendous possibilities in 
terms of integration while TaskJuggler is more bound to be an app on its own. 
Supporting Task Juggler as a backend or external tool within KPlato is a 
possibility though. Integration is truly valuable within an office 

So, I would be open to discuss merging of any (open source) project management 
applications and would be very happy if human resources could be brought 

Best wishes,
Raphael Langerhorst

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