[kplato] Release

Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL sp at openix.fr
Sat Oct 8 23:08:53 CEST 2005

> Just fixed the crash. (The reports doesn't work, but they are just for
> test so no big deal)
> About the docs, a lot of the gui will probably change. I'd say the
> ganttview is the only view that's fairly fixed, and also most of the
> dialogs may change a bit altough the functionality shouldn't change
> very much.
> Most of my time will be used on cleaning up loose ends and also
> thinking more of what the enduser needs. So far a lot what's done has
> been partially prompted by the need for testing.
> The things I'm fairly certain will change, are:
> 1) The networkview (PERT) will be removed.
> 2) The resourceuseview will be changed to use kchart or possibly
> removed if too much work.
> 3) The resourceview will change.
> 4) Probably a new view focusing on resource allocations.
> This is just to warn you that's it's still a moving target...

I understand very well that many things can change. And I hope so! But I 
believe that it will be an important step to have a first draw for a user 
documentation and honestly, after it, if nobody bother to make a tech doc, I 
will also try to make it with the help of everyone.

For the packages, I just need to finish to set up a "crash test" machine in 
order to be quiet and not to bother if there is a problem :)


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