[kplato] problem with kplato on current svn version...

Raphael Langerhorst raphael.langerhorst at kdemail.net
Thu Dec 15 23:33:50 CET 2005

On Thursday 15 December 2005 20:59 fmdp wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just compiled/install the full koffice project, and kplato doesn't
> start. the app.start() returns false, that is all I can say... :-/
> I compile/run it on a x86-64, and other parts of koffice are working fine.
> Is the current svn broken?
> Is it supposed to work?
> May I enable debug logs (how?)
> Thanks in advance...
> Fred

Hi Fred,

I just compiled the very latest KOffice version, and KPlato works fine here. 
I'm also using AMD64. Can you explain exactly what you did, and what is the 
output on the terminal? Does KPlato crash? If so, can you send a backtrace?


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