[kplato] State of KPlato?

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Wed Oct 27 21:32:42 CEST 2004

Op woensdag 27 oktober 2004 15:29, schreef Claus Agerskov:
> MrProject is gone when CodeFactory got out of business. But the project
> continued under the name Planner which is in version 0.12:
>   http://www.imendio.com/projects/planner/
> You can see more on other FOSS project management tools at Open and Free
> Project Management Tools:
>   http://proj.chbs.dk/

Is it possible to have the above mentioned urls mentioned on the kplato 

At least this one: http://proj.chbs.dk/

This one is mentioned on the webpage mentioned above:

The information has been posted by Claus, but it might be worthwhile to have 
it just mentioned on the kplato site.

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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