[kplato] Re: OASIS Format for KPlato and Project Management in general

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Wed Oct 27 20:35:32 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 27 October 2004 20:15, Mark Tombs wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 October 2004 14.39, zander at kde.org wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 02:27:42PM +0200, Raphael Langerhorst 
> > > On Wednesday 27 October 2004 14:13, zander at kde.org wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 02:05:26PM +0200, Raphael Langerhorst 
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > >
> > > > > another thought (since it's so on-topic for the rest of
> > > > > KOffice). Is there any intention to create an OASIS
> > > > > specification for project management apps?
> > > >
> > > > Good idea; but nobody actually started this.
> > > > It certainly is possible.
> > >
> > > OK, is there a time frame for this?
> >
> > Hmm?  I don't understand the question.
> > Each OASIS specification is seperate; you can't hichhike on the
> > WPs definition IIRC.
> > If you can specify what you mean maybe David can answer since
> > he's the actual contact for the WPs specification.
> >
> > > > > Then maybe TaskJuggler (and Mr. Project??) could also
> > > > > switch to a standard OASIS format... (probably I'm just
> > > > > day-dreaming, but still, it would be possible)
> > > >
> > > > Sure; there is nothing stopping you but time :)
> > >
> > > time... exactly...
> >
> > You need a taskmanager to schedule time, right? :P
> >
> > > anyway, I read a bit more about TaskJuggler and I think it
> > > could be perfectly used for importing/exporting. AFAICS
> > > TaskJuggler is meant to create project plans out of text input,
> > > etc. and can export stuff to HTML and XML, which are both
> > > things (??) KPlato is still lacking and thus these two
> > > applications are not THAT different than I thought in the
> > > beginning and they might be complementary in many areas, which
> > > is useful ;)   (also, we could sum up developer time....)
> >
> > I have no knowledge of TaskJuggler except that I heard the
> > current maintainers discussing possible integration.  But as far
> > as I know nothing happened just yet.
> > Feel free to look through the archives of both lists.
> >
> > Please note that while I coded the initial classes and
> > structures, I have not touched the code in ages and Shaheed and
> > Dag are the last ones to actually maintain the application.
> >
> > That said; I'm pretty sure that you can follow up on the
> > integration issues without to much of a problem.
> > The OASIS stuff is probably going to take more coordination, and
> > I doubt the registration is free, so a much more in depth
> > knowledge of the content and the alternative solutions would be
> > something i suggest before you actually start any initiative.
> Not really related to this thread, but I work with an 'enterprise
> portfolio management' system from a major vendor. I am also a KDE
> user and would love to integrate kplato with the system in
> question... The majority of the system is web based, but it uses
> XML and SOAP to send project information to the project scheduler
> tool, which is currently Windows only. This is where kplato could
> come in. Just thinking out loud, it shouldn't be too hard to
> transform the XML into kplato format XML... thats what XSLT is good
> at, after all.

Sounds quite reasonable. I think this is where a standard format comes 
in quite handy - the kplato format dtd is available too,... but the 
version is a bit scary ;)

As it seems that KPlato devs have not spend _that_ much thought on a 
good document format, what do you think in general of adapting the 
PMXML format? http://www.projectoffice.com/xml/xml.asp

As it seems this is going to be standardized - which could help KPlato 
a lot as it is *compatible* out-of-the-box (without many filters) 
with a lot of other apps that also use PMXML. Also it saves time as 
we do not need to think of a good format ourselves.

Another option would be an OASIS format(???)

If we decide on the PMXML format, the advantage would be that you 
could start on the XSLT transformation right away, because you 
already know which format KPlato will have (a time advantage...)

> So anyway I would like to help in some way... I have done a fair
> bit of programming but sadly not c++.

Hi Mark,

Qt is not hard to learn (IMHO), also it is cleaner. Maybe you could 
also start by looking through the code and cleaning it up, writing 
API docs, etc. By this you will also learn a lot. Of course this 
requires basic knowledge of the language - you should probably have a 
look at the Qt tutorials that are included in the documentation of 
Qt. Also http://developer.kde.org could be useful.

But my feeling is that you learn most by looking through the code. 
Just try to get a feeling of the language by looking through the 
tutorials and docs (see above) and when you feel like you understand 
some of the source just start reading it, if you feel like API docs 
are missing, add them when you understand what the thing is doing 
(such things are important). You might also find unclean code or 
general bad design (I don't know, have not looked at the sourcecode 
myself yet). In such cases you should just point that out on the 
mailing list, maybe propose improvements, etc. All in all, learning 
by doing is a good way to get going. After a while a good book or 
sth. on C++ would do some good if you want to do serious development. 
If you know much about XML, etc. then you probably can help a lot in 
moving to PMXML or whatever format we choose.

> Apologies for the rambling.

no prob ;)


> thanks
> Mark
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