[kplato] OASIS Format for KPlato and Project Management in general

Mark Bucciarelli mark at easymailings.com
Wed Oct 27 15:26:32 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 27 October 2004 08:05, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:

> another thought (since it's so on-topic for the rest of KOffice). Is
> there any intention to create an OASIS specification for project
> management apps? Or is such kind of application out of scope of
> standard office application (then, why is KPlato part of KOffice...)?

This is tangential, but for the record there are some existing HR-XML 
standards around staffing, labor and invoicing.  This is really the KArm 
realm, so as I said its tangential to project mgmt.

I guess the idea is that these standards can form the foundation for web 
services for temp agencies and the firms they service.


SIDES is a "comprehensive suite of data exchange standards designed to 
offer new efficiencies and cost savings for staffing customers, staffing 
suppliers, and other stakeholders in the staffing supply chain. Major 
modules include: StaffingOrder; HumanResource; Assignment; 
StaffingSupplier; StaffingCustomer; StaffingAction; Extended TimeCard; and 
Invoice (an extended version of OAGIS 8.0 Invoice). This suite of open 
standards is designed to increase the efficiency of staffing processes and 
to reduce integration costs usually incurred by the need to implement 
custom interfaces to link to trading partner systems."

FWIW, KArm 3.4 will be able to import planner tasks into it's task list.  I 
plan to do TaskJuggler and would do kPlato to, if the storage format is 
stable.  If it's not stable, does it have versioning (or some kind of 
magic id)?



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