[kplato] Re: OASIS Format for KPlato and Project Management in general

zander at kde.org zander at kde.org
Wed Oct 27 14:39:01 CEST 2004

On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 02:27:42PM +0200, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 October 2004 14:13, zander at kde.org wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 02:05:26PM +0200, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > another thought (since it's so on-topic for the rest of KOffice).
> > > Is there any intention to create an OASIS specification for
> > > project management apps?
> >
> > Good idea; but nobody actually started this.
> > It certainly is possible.
> OK, is there a time frame for this?

Hmm?  I don't understand the question.
Each OASIS specification is seperate; you can't hichhike on the WPs
definition IIRC.
If you can specify what you mean maybe David can answer since he's the
actual contact for the WPs specification.

> > > Then maybe TaskJuggler (and Mr. Project??) could also switch to a
> > > standard OASIS format... (probably I'm just day-dreaming, but
> > > still, it would be possible)
> >
> > Sure; there is nothing stopping you but time :)
> time... exactly...

You need a taskmanager to schedule time, right? :P

> anyway, I read a bit more about TaskJuggler and I think it could be 
> perfectly used for importing/exporting. AFAICS TaskJuggler is meant 
> to create project plans out of text input, etc. and can export stuff 
> to HTML and XML, which are both things (??) KPlato is still lacking 
> and thus these two applications are not THAT different than I thought 
> in the beginning and they might be complementary in many areas, which 
> is useful ;)   (also, we could sum up developer time....)

I have no knowledge of TaskJuggler except that I heard the current
maintainers discussing possible integration.  But as far as I know nothing
happened just yet.
Feel free to look through the archives of both lists.

Please note that while I coded the initial classes and structures, I have
not touched the code in ages and Shaheed and Dag are the last ones to
actually maintain the application.

That said; I'm pretty sure that you can follow up on the integration
issues without to much of a problem.
The OASIS stuff is probably going to take more coordination, and I doubt
the registration is free, so a much more in depth knowledge of the content
and the alternative solutions would be something i suggest before you
actually start any initiative.

Thomas Zander
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