[kplato] Please reactivate your Yahoo! Groups account

Papini Stefano S.Papini at lutech.it
Fri Apr 2 11:51:46 CEST 2004

Yahoo! Groups wrote:

> Hello,
> You belong to one or more email groups provided by Yahoo! Groups 
> (groups.yahoo.com). Email from these groups can be recognized by
> looking for a group name in the message Subject line, like
> [pet-owners] or [music-fans].
> Recently, messages sent to you from Yahoo! Groups have been
> returned to us as undeliverable. To prevent any problems with your
> email service, we have temporarily turned your Yahoo! Groups 
> account OFF.
> If you are reading this message now, the delivery problem appears to
> be fixed. However, we won't know that the problem is fixed until you
> tell us.
> To turn your Yahoo! Groups account ON:
> - Please REPLY to this message. Send that reply back to us without
> changing anything.
> OR
> - While connected to the Internet, click on the following Web link (or
> copy and paste it into your Web browser and hit the RETURN key):
>   http://groups.yahoo.com/unbounce?adj=179349573,99966&p=1080895088 
> Once we get a response from you, we will turn your Yahoo! Groups 
> account back ON, and you will begin to receive messages from your
> groups again.
> After you respond, you can read any messages you might have missed
> while your account was off by visiting:
>   http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups
> Thank you for using Yahoo! Groups!
> Yahoo! Groups Customer Care
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> _______________________________________________
> kplato mailing list
> kplato at kde.org
> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kplato

Ing. Stefano Papini,
Lutech S.p.A.,
Finance IT Services Manager
mailto: s.papini at lutech.it

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della presente comunicazione, i contenuti della stessa si ritengono 
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